Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Liberia welcomes voluntary resettlement of Haitians in Africa

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Liberian president, Ellen Johnson, announced on Monday a decision to accept voluntary resettlement of Haitians to Liberia and African soil as a whole.
President Sirleaf, who is the first elected woman president in Africa, said on the sidelines of the AU summit in Addis Ababa that her country was ready to accept Haitians who are interested in re settling in Liberia "voluntarily" and in Africa as a whole.
"As you know, Liberia is home only to 3.5 million people, and we certainly have a lot of free land to welcome the Haitians to my country," said President Sirleaf, whose country is recovering from several years of conflict.
The same offer was made by President Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal who has also proposed at the on-going African Union (AU) summit in Addis Ababa his country's proposal on Haiti.
However, it is not yet clear if the heads of state will make any decisions on the proposals or not.
Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, a number of African countries are showing their solidarity with the Haitian people, with dome extending various kinds of support to the Haitian people.
More than 100,000 people are feared to have been killed by the earthquake while thousands have been displaced.
President Sirleaf is among several African leaders attending the 14th Ordinary Summit of the African Union being held under the theme, "Information and Communication Technologies in Africa : Prospects and Challenges for Development".
Question about the forthcoming elections in Liberia, President Sirleaf reiterated her decision to be a candidate in the October 2011elections.
She also indicated that her country was currently struggling with the fight against corruption, unemployment, and the rehabilitation of infrastructure that had been destroyed during the conflict.
Source - APA

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